Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mario Kart!!!!

When we got Mario Kart we were pretty excited. We've had the other versions from the original Nintendo to Super Nintendo to N64 to Gamecube. So it was no surprise that when it came out on the Wii we (ha ha, I said wee wee!) had to get it. At first Jon and I just played it and Kaiden would get really excited and beg us to play....A LOT!
Then one day, Jon had an idea! Kaiden was so good at driving his gator in the yard, why not let him try Mario Kart. So he did....and that was the last day we have NOT heard the words Mario Kart come out of our son's mouth. He asks to play pretty much every day and at first would freak out if we said no.
He's actually pretty good....he makes 2 laps for every 3 we do and sometimes even gets to the final lap. He actually finished a race and beat someone once when we played online. He gets so excited when he gets to use the special things that are associated with the game especially the bullet.
Here is a pic of him playing Mario Kart with Daddy:

1 comment:

Welcome to the Mouse House said...

Jon is so hot! Haha... Just kidding, It was so good to see you and Kaiden the other day! Thanks for coming over!!!