Saturday, September 13, 2008


Ok, so we have decided to put Kaiden into preschool full time in the event he would be ready for Kindergarten next year. We are struggling with whether or not to put him into Kindergarten next year because his birthday is so close to the deadline. His birthday is August 13th and the deadline is probably like September 1st. We don't wanna put him in before he's ready but we also don't want to wait a year if he would have been fine with starting at 5.

So in the event he may be ready next year we have put him into preschool fulltime. We asked him what he wanted to do and he actually wants to be going to school everyday instead of going to his Nannys. He is such a social kid that he just thrives on that time he can spend with other kids. It will be a change for him since he's used to going to Nannys 2 days a week and it will also be a big change for Nanny not to have him there but we are hoping this is the best thing for him.

I guess you never really know, though. You try to do everything right for your kids but every decision has the potential to be the wrong one. So in the end, we have, for the time being, decided on preschool fulltime and to take him to Kindergarten registration next year and see what those teachers think. I mean, I am a teacher but I'm NOT a Kindergarten teacher. If he's ready we'll start him when he's 5. If not, no biggie we'll start him when he's 6. I guess, really there's no for sure way of knowing whether he's ready or not. He's a bright kid, I think, but I'm also biased.

If anyone has any thoughts on the issue, comments would be greatly appreciated. Well, thanks for reading!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Flea Market

So today was the semi-annual flea market at my alma mater, Muhlenberg. I got many things together for this glorious day of getting up at 5:30 to sell all my old crap that I don't want anymore. I brought Kaiden with me because Jon had to help out his dad but thankfully he came right after he was done to rescue Kaiden who was all over the place. He also decided that all of the toys of his I was selling were his new favorite toys. He did tell people to "take what you want". LOL

So anyway, we get there at 6:30 to set up which I thought was pretty good considering it wasn't SUPPOSED to start until 8:00. No sooner had we unloaded the things from the car people were looking through it before it was even set up! I guess that where the saying "the early bird catches the worm" comes from or at the very least that's what these people thought. Don't you think it would be better to see what we have if it was actually set up?

Well, once we got set up it went well for awhile but started to really get slow aroun 12 so we started doing whatever we could to get rid of things. There was still plenty left but I didn't want to bring that crap back to my house so I dropped it ALL off at Goodwill. I wanted a clean slate, to start over!

Now, I am beat and sleepy and ......