Sunday, December 21, 2008


Kaiden wanted to be a big boy and get himself some more salad. Jon was cleaning up dinner and I was in the other room. When Jon looked over this is what Kaiden's salad looked like. The orange thing is his bowl.

Gingerbread House

We decided to make a gingerbread house this year. We just bought a kit where the gingerbread was already made. And let me just say it wasn't easy. This was my first house and also Kaiden's. When I asked Kaiden if he wanted to make a gingerbread house he said, "No." Then I showed him a picture from a store insert and he was all into then. He saw the candy and he was in. He tried eating it the whole time and still to this day needs to be watched when he is around the 2 week old icing and candy. Well, anyway, here is the final product.

Crayola Factory

My friend Katie and I took our boys to the Crayola Factory on December 1st. It was more fun then I remembered it being when I was here years ago. Kaiden and Daegn had a blast! There were many things for them to do and create. I especially LOVE the Crayola Store. I has everything imaginable for Crayola. I could've walked around there(without Kaiden) for hours. This was canal museum that was included with the ticket. The boys loved making their boats go through the different areas and pick up coal.
Making a giant sandwich:

The balls went up a thing, then through a tunnel and then down this thing.

Kaiden liked drawing on the glass with markers.


I realized I never posted Halloween photos. Kaiden was a red Power Ranger. He said he wants to be this again next year. Even if he stuck with that idea we wouldn't even save money because he put a big rip in this costume. He really thought he was a Power Ranger.


I know, Thanksgiving is long over but I said I would update so if you're interested then this is for you.

We went to the Yorgey's first. That's where these pictures are taken. Then we went to my mom's, where I forgot to take pictures. Oh and he made that shirt at school and LOVED it so he just had to wear it on Thanksgiving.

Kaiden with his cousin, Leanda. Kaiden was helping to decorate the cake celebrating his great nana's 80th birthday.

His favorite soccer game that he LOVED playing with his Oma.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I know, I know, I have been slacking on my blog. There are many things I have been meaning to put on here and I've just been so busy that I haven't had the time to upload the pics and such. I will make time in the next couple of days to do just that as my camera is probably running out of memory.

Stay Tuned!!!!